The Star Gem
Genre - Fantasy, Musical
Plot - A lady author and her friends try to return a mystical star jewel of great power called the Star Gem to the gift giver Santa Claus before Christmas Day. They face a corrupted industrialist who seeks to misuse the gem as they stand together.
Annabelle Charise - Friendly and beautiful dancing author who is the lead heroine of story.
Stan Arvin - Annabelle's lover who is a dancer that is a caring friend.
Chakra Spellnite - Mystical and graceful black cat woman who is a friend to Annabelle.
Ravowl - Corrupted owl, raven, falcon mixed humanoid wealthy man who controls his own shadow goblin legion, and has a powerful company.
Feral - The true villain of the story who is bound to Ravowl while a mighty mystic dark energized shadow monster.
Santa Claus - Keeper of the cosmic Star Gem who is a famous gift giver that travels by magic floating reindeer sleigh and leads a gift making area in a northern elf town.
Rachael Claus - Santa's wife who is a caring person that has helped him with the Star Gem and co-leads the elf town.
Ella Everforth - Lovely and friendly poet who is a close friend to Annabelle.
Nicholas Everforth - Santa Claus' long living son who is married to Ella, and is next to help with gift giving while he is a father.
Elene Everforth - Daughter of Ella and Nicholas while being a teen granddaughter to Santa Claus.
Tracie - Elf toy maker who is confident and a close friend to Chakra.
Ellian - Tracie's friend who is shy and a artist.
Tiv and Tod - Twin like helpers, while not siblings, to Ravowl.
Sorik - Friendly small shadow goblin, Shadelin, who works for Ravowl but is not corrupted.
Chuzku - A fierce Shadelin commander who serves Ravowl.
Cretzal - A tall and caring dancing club owner.
Shadelin Emperor - A powerful and caring leader of the Shadelin system who is against Ravowl while a long time ally to Santa Claus.
© Taylor Vassell/FerTay, 2024
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